Pengaruh Budaya dan Lingkungan dalam Menentukan Keberhasilan Implementasi Sistem
Implementasi Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) industri mendukung kegiatan inti perusahaan dengan saling terhubung, agar bisa menyokong langkah usaha pada suatu industri melalui akses ke asal informasi yang lebih ringkas serta akurat. Implementasi ERP bisa memperoleh keberhasilan maupun keterpurukan. Supaya keterpurukan tidak dialami pada implementasi ERP perlu agar memiliki pengetahuan faktor-faktor yang menjadi critical success factor (CSF), seperti contohnya budaya dan lingkungan. Untuk tahu dampak budaya serta lingkungan dalam implementasi ERP, maka dilaksanakan pembahasan kembali terhadap sejumlah 14 riset oleh Science Direct yang sudah didapat. Pembahasan ini dilaksanakan memakai metode riset Systematic Literature Review. Menurut pembahasan kembali diperoleh tinjauan dampak budaya serta lingkungan terhadap implementasi ERP yang bisa diamati melalui tiga persepsi, yakni implementasi ERP, critical success factor terhadap implementasi ERP, budaya serta lingkungan terhadap implementasi ERP. Sikap strategic leadership, kekompakan dari tiap divisi, dan sudut pandang pemakai, memberi dampak terhadap budaya dan lingkungan perusahaan untuk meraih kesuksesan implementasi ERP.
Kata kunci: Budaya, ERP, CSF Perspektif Budaya dan Lingkungan
The implementation of industrial Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) supports the company's core activities by being connected so that it can support business steps in the industry through access to the more concise and accurate origin of the information. ERP implementation can get both success and downturn. For a downturn not to be experienced in ERP implementation, it is necessary to know the factors that are critical success factors (CSF), such as culture and society. To find out the impact of culture and environment impact on ERP implementation, several 14 studies by Science Direct that had been obtained were carried out. This discussion was carried out using the Systematic Literature Review research technique. According to the re-discussion, a review of the culture and environment impacts on ERP implementation can be observed through three perceptions, namely ERP implementation, critical success factors on ERP implementation, culture, and environment impact on ERP implementation. The strategic leadership attitude, the cohesiveness of each division, and the user's point of view have an impact on the company's cultures and environment aspects to achieve a successful ERP implementation.
Keywords: Culture, ERP, CSF Culture and Environment Perspectives
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