Application of the Finite State Automata (FSA) Method in Indonesian Stemming using the Nazief & Adriani Algorithm

lady agustin fitriana, Ali Mustopa, Muhammad Rifqi Firdaus, Rizka Dahlia


Language is a communication tool commonly used in everyday life. Each country has a different language with predetermined rules. For instance, in the Indonesian language, there are approximately 35 official affixes mentioned in the Big Indonesian Dictionary. These affixes include prefixes (prefixes), infixes (insertions), suffixes (suffixes), and confixes (a combination of prefixes and suffixes). In Information Retrieval, there is a stemming process, which is the process of converting a word form into a base word or the process of transforming variant words into their base form. The theory of language and automata is the foundation of the computer science field that provides the basis for ideas and models of computer systems. In the implementation of the research, several stages were carried out, such as explaining the Nazief & Adriani stemming algorithm, finite state automata, creating pseudocode, and testing using a web-based system, resulting in affixed words becoming the correct base words with 20 affixed words. The results obtained from reading this web-based system, the base word "cinta" (love) used as a test yielded accurate results in accordance with the concept of the Nazief & Adriani stemming algorithm. There are some weaknesses in stemming from suffixes, and the solution is to perform stemming from the prefix position (Prefix).

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L. A. Fitriana, A. Mustopa, M. R. Firdaus, dan R. Dahlia, “Application of the Finite State Automata (FSA) Method in Indonesian Stemming using the Nazief & Adriani Algorithm,” 2024.


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