Analysis of the k-Means Method in Clustering Acceptance of PKH Aid in Pulau Rakyat Tua Village

Dwi Kurnia Utami, Novica Irawati, Sumantri Sumantri


The Family Hope Program (PKH) is a program that provides cash assistance to Very Poor Households (RSTM) which are required to fulfill requirements related to efforts to improve the quality of human resources. In selecting residents to be recipients of the Family Hope Program (PKH) in Pulau Rakyat Tua Village, the problem that often arises is that the provision of Family Hope Program assistance is often considered not to be on target. In addition, errors often occur because the selection is still done manually and requires a long time in selecting participants, which can be influenced by the objective assessment of PKH companions. The research objective is to apply the k-means clustering algorithm in selecting prospective beneficiaries of the Family Hope Program (PKH). The method used uses the application of data mining with the k-means clustering algorithm. Based on the results of applying the k-means clustering algorithm, the results of the system being built can make it easier to select potential recipients of Family Program assistance. The results of the k-means clustering algorithm test produced Cluster 1 in the Eligible category totaling 29 PKH beneficiary data and Cluster 2 in the Ineligible category totaling 1 PKH beneficiary data.

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