Implementation of Student Satisfaction Information System to the Final Project Services

Rahimullaily Rahimullaily, Rahmadini Darwas, Afdiko Saputra


The final project service is a supervision service from the lecturer for students who prepare the final project. Satisfactory service can be an effective promotion to prospective students. The Quality Control Group (GKM) of STMIK Indonesia Padang carries out one of their responsibilities, namely analyzing student satisfaction with final assignment services as an evaluation of the performance of final assignment supervisors and also to improve final assignment services. Therefore, we need an information system that can help GKM employees obtain accurate results to analyze student satisfaction. The system development method used is to use an object-oriented methodology. The website-based information system that was built (named WALTA (Final Project Service Satisfaction Analysis Website)) used the Likert scale measurement method to measure the level of student satisfaction with the services of the final assignment supervisor with 5 category levels, namely very satisfying, satisfying, quite satisfying, less satisfying and unsatisfactory. The existence of WALTA, GKM STMIK Indonesia Padang employees worked more effectively and efficiently because there was no need to collect students locally to fill out the questionnaire, no need to print out the questionnaire and process the questionnaire data, and the results of the questionnaire were immediately displayed on WALTA. 32 lecturers supervised the final assignment of Odd Semester 2018/2019. It was found 9 lecturers provided final assignment services with a very satisfying category and 23 lecturers with a satisfactory category. Furthermore, the results of this assessment were one of the lecturers' performance evaluation instruments.

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