Fuzzy tahani Implementation for Food Nutritional Status in Achieving Balanced Nutritional Dietary

Ika Novita Dewi, Rino Agung Priyo Utomo, Ramadhan Rakhmat Sani


Fulfilling nutritional needs with the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) shows the average value of the number of vitamins, protein and other nutrients the body needs to function properly. Each person's nutritional needs are different, so the RDA can be calculated based on different age groups and gender. In general, there are still many people who do not know the nutritional value of food and consume food without considering whether it meets the body's needs. This usually happens because calculating the RDA value is not yet familiar to do. Efforts are needed to increase awareness about the importance of a balanced diet through RDA calculations. Calculation and determination of nutritional status using the RDA number serves as a measuring tool to monitor whether a person's nutritional intake is in accordance with daily needs. This research developed a web-based application to calculate RDA numbers and group RDA numbers into nutritional status of less, enough, or more. Determination of nutritional status is carried out using the fuzzy tahani method, by displaying the results in percentage form, so that users can easily see the proportion or percentage of nutritional status obtained. This application not only calculates nutritional values, but provides a food record feature to help users manage healthy eating patterns.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32520/stmsi.v13i5.3644

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