Mapping the Distribution of Covid-19 Information using a Web-based Information System | Ibrahim | Sistemasi: Jurnal Sistem Informasi

Mapping the Distribution of Covid-19 Information using a Web-based Information System

Ali Ibrahim, Ahmad Fali Okllilas, Iman Saladin B. Azhar, Yadi Utama, Ahmad Hafizh Zahran


Based on information from several official government websites and national television media, at the beginning of November 2021, there was a decrease in the spread of the COVID-19 virus. At the end of November 2022, a new type of virus was discovered, namely SARS-CoV-2, also known as the Omicron variant, resulting in additional cases. Therefore, researchers conducted research with the aim of providing information about the spread of the virus with a mapping system down to the RT level, so that the public gets detailed and real-time information about the area based on mapping. The urgency of this research is that, with the results of this research, the public can take better care of and be able to provide self-awareness regarding health protocols. The public can have access to detailed information and mapping about the spread of the virus. This research adopts changes in the design science research methodology proposed by Hevner. The results of the research are an Information System for Mapping the Distribution of COVID-19 Cases and Their Danger Level with 5 calculation categories, namely class I with a range of 66–80 has very high danger level criteria, class II with a range of 51–65 has high danger level criteria, class III with a range of 36–50 has medium level criteria, class IV with a range of 36–50 has criteria for a low level of danger, and class V with a range of 5–20 has a very low level of danger.

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