Prediction Of Andesit Stone Production using Support Vector Regression Algorithmression

Aura Azzahra, M. Afdal, Mustakim Mustakim, Rice Novita


PT. Atika Tunggal Mandiri is a company engaged in andesite stone mining located in the fifty municipalities, West Sumatra. The demand for andesite stones in the company continues to increase, necessitating an increase in production to meet it. Therefore, accurate prediction is needed to assist effective operational planning, enabling the estimation of future andesite stone production to meet market demand. This study aims to predict andesite stone production using the Machine Learning method, specifically the Support Vector Regression algorithm. The research utilizes data from January 2022 to November 2023 with an 80%:20% split for training and testing data. The experimental results using the Linear Kernel yielded an RMSE value of 3444.12 and an MAPE of 9.27%, categorized as "Very Good," followed by the RBF kernel and Polynomial kernel. Based on the obtained error results, the Support Vector Regression algorithm is the best algorithm for predicting andesite stone production.

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