The Best Tourism Recommendation Intelligent System Model: Weighted Product and K-Means Methods

Kanafi Kanafi, Mira Fitriana


Magelang Regency, with a wealth of tourist destinations with a variety of things, such as Borobudur Temple and Nepal Van Java, has extraordinary tourism potential. With this diversity, it is a challenge for tourists to determine the best tourist objects that suit their preferences. This study aims to develop an intelligent system for recommending the selection of the best tourist attractions in Magelang Regency by integrating the Weighted Product and K-Means Clustering Methods. The system is designed to provide accurate recommendations based on tourist criteria such as location, facilities, tickets, and security, as well as group attractions based on their level of potential. The Weighted Product method is used to determine the best tourist attractions, while K-Means Clustering groups tourist destinations into high, medium, and low potential categories. In this study, several stages were carried out: literature study, data collection, system design, data analysis, implementation, and system testing to produce an effective and efficient recommendation system for tourists in Magelang Regency. The results of this research obtained the best tourism, namely at Borobudur Temple.

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