Application of SMART Method and Dashboard Visualization for Student Code of Conduct Violations

Mariza Devega, Yuvi Darmayunata, Yuhelmi yuhelmi


In order to handle student discipline infractions at school, this project intends to design a decision support system (DSS) based on the Simple Multi-Attribute Rating Technique (SMART) technique integrated with a graphical dashboard. A variety of visual tools, such as scatter plots, heatmaps, pie charts, bar charts, and line charts, are used to evaluate and display violation data. This integration's primary goals are to make monitoring and analysis faster and more efficient and to support decision-making with regard to student infractions. The findings demonstrate how the SMART approach and visualization dashboard can be used to manage violation data more effectively, provide a better knowledge, and speed up reactions to infractions. This technique makes it easier for schools to spot trends in infractions, choose the best course of action for corrective measures, and enhance overall student discipline. It is anticipated that this system will enable discipline management in a learning environment in an efficient manner.

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