Project Management of Information System using Scrum Framework in the Development Of Mediahome SMM Website

Ari Afriansah, Falentino Sembiring, Rieska Rahayu Ayuningsih, Sudin Saepudin


This research aims to develop a website named Mediahome, focusing on providing social media marketing (SMM) services such as selling followers, likes, and views for social media platforms like Instagram and YouTube. The website is expected to make it easier for users to access services at more affordable prices compared to other online stores and to provide convenience for resellers in marketing their services. The Scrum framework was utilized for project development, proving effective in facilitating the iterative and structured management of tasks. During the development process, some technical issues arose, particularly related to the migration of servers from DomaiNesia to ProviderIndo. However, these issues were successfully resolved by redirecting the nameserver, allowing the website to be launched as planned. The final outcome of this project is a fully operational website accessible at, ready to serve users' social media marketing needs.

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