Pajri Al Zukri, Ellin Asynari, Nurbo Jatmiko


The development of E-Learning features is a concern among developers. Making E-Learning features that meet the standards and in accordance with the needs of students and lecturers is one of the requirements in its application. The effectiveness of learning that is expected to be effective using E-Learning is still difficult to achieve due to various factors, one of which is lack of features in the system. Supply Chain Management (SCM) is a supply chain learning that has several series of activities, so it is important to ensure all chapters in SCM are mastered by students on time. We will compare several features of the 3 Learning Management System (LMS) applications. Among them are SEVIMA EdLink, Coursera, and Blackboard CourseSites. The results of this study will produce a standard set of features specific to SCM E-Learning to support learning effectiveness. The standard setting for features completeness will use the SCRUM framework in the product backlog. The results of the analysis are Prototype using Website-based MOODLE Tools.

Keywords : E-learning, MOODLE , LSM, SCM, SCRUM

Pengembangan fitur E-Learning menjadi salah satu perhatian di kalangan pengembang. Pembuatan fitur E-Learning yang memenuhi standar dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan mahasiswa maupun dosen menjadi salah satu syarat dalam penerapannya. Efektifitas dari pembelajaran yang diharapkan efektif menggunakan E-Learning saat ini masih sulit dicapai karna berbagai faktor, salah satunya kurang lengkapnya fitur dalam sistem. Supply Chain Management (SCM) merupakan pembelajaran supply chain yang memiliki beberapa rangkaian kegiatan, maka dari itu penting memastikan semua bab dalam SCM di kuasai mahasiswa tepat waktu. Kami akan membandingkan beberapa fitur dari 3 aplikasi Learning Manajemen System (LMS). Diantaranya adalah SEVIMA EdLink, Coursera, dan Blackboard CourseSites. Hasil dari penelitian ini akan menghasilkan sebuah standar kelengkapan fitur yang dikhususkan pada E-Learning SCM untuk menunjang efektifitas pembelajaran. Penentuan standar kelengkapan fitur akan menggunakan framework SCRUM pada backlog product. Hasil analisa berupa Prototype menggunakan Tools MOODLE berbasis Website.

Kata Kunci: E-learning, MOODLE, LSM, SCM, SCRUM

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