Pengaruh Perceived Enjoyment, Perceived Reciprocal Benefit, dan Learning Culture Terhadap Knowledge Sharing

Debby Ummul Hidayah, Ika Romadoni Yunita, Masyruri Riska Maulana



Adanya pandemik COVID-19 mengharuskan perkuliahan dilakukan secara online. Hal tersebut dialami juga oleh Universitas XYZ yang menerapkan sistem kuliah online menggunakan beberapa media seperti website kuliah online, google classroom, zoom, google meet, dan platform lainnya yang disesuaikan dengan kesepakatan antara dosen dengan mahasiswa. Namun berbagai permasalahan muncul terutama mekanisme knowledge sharing dalam perkuliahan online. Oleh sebab itu, peneliti melakukan uji dengan menggunakan variabel perceived enjoyment, perceived reciprocal benefit, dan learning culture guna mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh dari ketiga variabel independen tersebut terhadap variabel dependen. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yakni menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Berdasarkan hasil sebaran kuesioner dengan jumlah sampel 160 dari mahasiswa program studi Sistem Informasi Universitas XYZ dan analisis data menggunakan SPSS 22, hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa variabel perceived enjoyment menjadi faktor utama yang berpengaruh terhadap knowledge sharing. Atau dapat dikatakan bahwa variabel perceived enjoyment berpengaruh positif terhadap variabel knowledge sharing. Kemudian variabel learning culture juga memiliki pengaruh posiftif terhadap knowledge sharing. Adapun variabel perceived reciprocal benefit tidak memiliki pengaruh yang kuat terhadap knowledge sharing.

Kata kunci: Perceived enjoyment, perceived reciprocal benefit, learning culture, knowledge sharing, kuliah online



The existence of the COVID-19 pandemic requires learning to be conducted online. This is also experienced by XYZ University which implements an online learning system using several media such as online learning websites, google classroom, zoom, google meet, and other platforms that are adjusted to the agreement between lecturers and students. However, various problems arise, especially the knowledge sharing mechanism in online learning. Therefore, the researcher conducted a test using the variables perceived enjoyment, perceived reciprocal benefit, and learning culture to find out how the influence of the three independent variables on the dependent variable. The research method used is a quantitative approach. Based on the results of the distribution of the questionnaire with a sample of 160 from students of the Information Systems study program at XYZ University and data analysis using SPSS 22, the results show that the perceived enjoyment variable is the main factor that influences knowledge sharing. Or it can be said that the perceived enjoyment variable has a positive effect on the knowledge sharing variable. Then the learning culture variable also has a positive influence on knowledge sharing. The perceived reciprocal benefit variable does not have a strong influence on knowledge sharing.

Keywords: Perceived enjoyment, perceived reciprocal benefit, learning culture, knowledge sharing, online learning

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