Comparison Methods of Machine Learning and Deep Learning to Forecast The GDP of Indonesia

Alwan Rahmana Subian, Drajat Ali Mulkan, Haidar Hilmy Ahmady, Fitri Kartiasih


The success of an economy can bring significant benefits to a country and its society. One way to measure economic growth is by looking at the value of gross domestic product (GDP). The value of a country's GDP is influenced by many factors, including inflation, exports, and imports. Therefore, predicting future economic growth requires forecasting the value of GDP. GDP forecasts are crucial as they provide information about the economic development of a country over a specific period of time. By forecasting GDP, governments and investors can make informed decisions to optimize profits or minimize risks when investing or doing business in a country. This research aims to forecast Indonesia's GDP for the second, third, and fourth quarters of 2023 using the best models from machine learning or deep learning methods. Forecasts are made for each method with and without additional variables. The results indicate that the SimpleRNN algorithm from deep learning without additional variables is the method with the smallest RMSE and MAPE for GDP forecasting. Therefore, the best method used to forecast GDP is the SimpleRNN algorithm, and the forecasted GDP values for Indonesia's second, third, and fourth quarters are 5.350.840,00, 5.483.895,00, and 5.610.077,50 billion rupiah.

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