UI/UX Development of Mobile-based Palembang-Indonesia Dictionary application using Design Thinking Method

Ayu Puspita Indah Sari, Muhammad Iqbal Ramdhani, Andri Andri, Haris Oktariansyah, Mawarni Mawarni, Dinda Novita


This research aims to develop an optimal User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) in a
Palembang-Indonesian dictionary mobile application using the Design Thinking method. The
background of this study is grounded in the significance of a well-designed UI/UX in enhancing the
usability and attractiveness of dictionary applications. Through a literature review, this research
analyzes relevant design concepts and principles, and identifies challenges in the development of UI/UX
for dictionary applications. The research methodology involves the stages of Design Thinking,
encompassing user understanding, problem definition, solution exploration, prototype creation, and
testing. The outcomes of this research encompass the development of a more intuitive, efficient, and
user-centered UI/UX for the dictionary application. The findings of this research can serve as a
guideline for the development of mobile-based dictionary applications, ensuring a favorable user
experience. It is expected that this research will make a valuable contribution to the fields of UI/UX
and dictionary application development, enhancing accessibility and the quality of dictionary
applications for Palembang-Indonesian language users.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32520/stmsi.v13i1.3605

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